Saturday 14 July 2012

home sweet home...

I'm just putting my presentation together  here some pics,it's all about the space and stars :) (was trying to b romantic-but maybe too hard ahahaha)

I'm going home for a week as if u still want to c some more of my design,idea and bla ble blu, c u on 24th of Jule :)

Friday 13 July 2012


ok so carry on with mexico!this was the longer bit after horse's hair.Took me 4 hours for one pierce which gives in total 16 hours for 2 pair!!!! but it's looks great!

 that was not easy a special that the fabric is very thin and elastic.

Thursday 12 July 2012


dyeing the leather is not that hard, but if this is vegi tan good to sand it a bit to get rid off dirt.
To get this colour I redo it 3 times

when making mold of on the leather,the lining is always in the same time made.

OMG!!!worm in my resin!!!grrrrrrr

Wednesday 11 July 2012

wild wild west

Do u know what is that?
 ...I went to Mexico and find some bits for my new project,this is goat's hooves!
I pull resin inside and turned them in platform for my design :)
I did sand them a bit and need to say that the hooves smell so so bad that I thought that gonna be sick!
add few layers of e.v.a. and sanded  a bit

that how they look :)
u want to c design?check 2moro :)

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Omg illustrator headache

I illustrator is the most amazing program to draw and gives new look to any thing that u put it on...but if u spent like 3 hours a day at first :)
...I did and getting better,but small tip: if u feel like u r starting to having headache just go on youtube= is like ibuprofen :)

Monday 9 July 2012

hairy soles

ok chill everyone this is not my hair ;) 
there are horse's one.

Did like 50 holes and in each of them put 8 hairs!It took me 56 hours and then plat them for 3 more grrrrr

and that hove they look...happy ending :)

missing heels and platform,but look at the smile ;)

and this is my final!

Sunday 8 July 2012

Polish folk

This is a block that I made for my design, to mold the lather...after cut off again remold to the last.
I did few shapes in vacuum form to find the best way to make it look amazing ;)

Here is the back with tattooed leather in the back.

Saturday 7 July 2012

London Pride

P.S. hope u all had fun!!!

Today was great day!!!My and my pride!Even rain won't stop us!!!

Thursday 5 July 2012

Tuesday 3 July 2012

leather mold

One of the best bit of making is with use of vegi tan leather,all need to be done is to so soak in water for like 15min and then pull to get the shape...the leather need a massage as well :) then get easier.It gets dry faster in warm room.After few hours marks need to be make on and ready to cut :)

new designs s/s 2012

Finely ready new designs of Alex K.

All of them handmade!!!If u want to get one just mail me...size,colour,design...

Monday 2 July 2012


Do u know this mouldable plastic granules?All u need to do is,to put as much as u need to pot with hot water and wait till will gets transparent...that mean it's ready to mold!it's gives like 15min to play with it after u can always put back to hot water!

Heels made of resin

One of my fave medium is resin.I heard lots of story about it,like how difficult is to work with,thats smells bad,harmful it is...I went to 4D shop and first bought the cheapest one-true difficult to work with that was,but after I went for "Crystal Clear 200",which has a pot life of 20min and a cure time of 16 hours.It's perfectly clear and smooth.To get the best effect is important to have smooth form for it...I'm using" Flexil-S"this is silicon rubber base,gives great results.Here few pics which show how to get heels like mine :)
P.S. forms for silicon rubber are made of vivak